Welcome :)

Think Again, is a newsletter dedicated to giving food for second thought. I delight in nuance and think you should too. I hope that one of my sentences makes you consider something in a new light.

Most likely, you came here from my instagram, and so you kind of know what to expect from me.

But for those who don’t;

  • I’m a man with a range of experience in Advertising, Film, Product Design, Game Design, Programming, and writing to over a 1000 people every day or so online.

  • I like to theorise, speculate, and discuss a whole range of things from Science, Philosophy, Literature, Life, Wealth, Blockchain, games and everything not political.

I appreciate everybody who has subscribed and continues to subscribe.


Subscribe to Think Again

Sharing cool and interesting ideas that might make you think twice in a clear and digestible way.


a person who’s tried to live as many lives as he could. I write to help understand myself better. I read for the little epiphanies. I try to share complex ideas in a way that’s thought provoking, interesting, and simple.